It is 2018. FIOB has a new release two days ago. FIOB system v18.1.0
There are a lot of improvement and bug fix including this release.
Changes since v17.2.5:
- Fix the admin approval errors and signup warnings
- Fix the avatar email session missing bug
- Add report description
- Fix the error in recaptchalib
- Add error log for important operation, and referer URL
- Re-construction the system admin dashboard
- Upgrade stripe lib to 5.2.1
- Upgrade bootstrap to v4.0, popper js to 1.12.9
- Improve lazyload function
- Use Octicons 7.1.0 instead of fontawsome
- Add a page for update credit card information
- Add reasons to applicant when declining the submission
- And a lot of fine tunes.
Thanks to our user who send me the feedback and suggestion. Lisa from Rentals Maui and Ryan Reedy from SEND Asia Office.