From today, we put every modification or improvement records here, monthly newsletter.
Not only that, it is a good way to communicate with our users. If you like it, I like it.
Attendance Reports: Fixed
We fixed date pickup box problem. Previously, if no date was chosen and click submit, there were system errors. Now we even add ajax validation features.
Home Page: Modification
Reduced the number of clients, show 10 clients only. Not the latest one, but the most active one.
Board Settings: Updated
So, if the client want to have the visitor view, he need the link of the view only page. The link is shown at the board settings, under admin. The link only works when the visitor view allowed.
Sign in out: Improvement
To save the clicks, we made a small improvement on the sign in out page.
When the current status of user is In, by clicking his name, the default check is applied on Out.
When the current status of user is Out, Vacation or others, by clicking his name, the default check is applied on In.
This is the first news letter. I am not sure which format is easy to read. I do not know what kind of content our users want to know. If you have any ideas or suggestions, just comment below.