Release v21.06.1

Now we have a new release, with some improvements and bug fixes.

FreeInOut Board system v21.6.1.

  • The bootstrap, a front-end framework, is upgraded to v5.0.2.
  • Finetune the UI details.
  • Improved some internal maintenance functions.


We are still working on the next major upgrade.

What is new in past 6 months?

The FreeInOutBoard is going to a new year, 2019. We spend a lot of time adding new features and improve the performance.

Here is the list of changes and new features from v18.3.6 to our latest v19.2.0.

  • Add a new page to view the calendar with future events
  • Update the dependency js files and bootstrap
  • Add user compact design into the user preference
  • Add IP fencing facility for security purpose
  • Improve the skin templates
  • Fix the typo and improve the wordings
Users can adjust the column width of inout board when they turn on the compact design.

Upgrade to 18.3.6

I am happy to announce that we have a new release v18.3.6.

There are some bug fix and new features on Site Admin.

Bootstrap 4.1.2 and another js are also updated.


If you find any problem, please let us know.

Email or comment here are welcome.

Two more updates since 18.3.0

During the past two weeks, we have a lot of updates on our website. The version of FIOB is updated from 18.3.0 to 18.3.1, and now it is 18.3.2.

Here are some important updates:

  • Bootstrap 4.1.1;
  • Fix the session issue;
  • Add sidebar toggle button, allow user to hide the sidebar;
  • Upgrade our email function to phpmailer 6.x;
  • fix the cookie issue;
  • Privacy policy update;
  • Add the consent requirement to the new application form;
  • Group can not be deleted, but you can hide it on board;
  • Other changes and improvements for Administrator.


Toggle Button

Continue reading “Two more updates since 18.3.0”

FreeInOutBoard v18.3.0 Release

We are pleased to announce the release of FreeInOutBoard 18.3.0.

This version is a module update release. So we bumped the version from 18.2.x to 18.3.x.

Some small issues are fixed in this release.

  • Fix the location name checking function
  • Adjust the width of login page
  • Improve the additional groups, user can be put in the more than one additional groups, or non of it.
  • Upgrade Bootstrap, Lazysizes, Tablesorter js files and Octions.