What is New of 18.2.1 Release


Now it is 18.2.1.

  • One small bug is fixed on 18.2.0

We just publish the new release to 18.2.0.

Here is the list of the What is New:

  • Add the offline page for PWA
  • New vacation report
  • Use Tablesorter js instead of datatables
  • Add the function to delete vacation recorcd from the history


2018 New Release

It is 2018. FIOB has a new release two days ago. FIOB system v18.1.0

There are a lot of improvement and bug fix including this release.

Changes since v17.2.5:

  • Fix the admin approval errors and signup warnings
  • Fix the avatar email session missing bug
  • Add report description
  • Fix the error in recaptchalib
  • Add error log for important operation, and referer URL
  • Re-construction the system admin dashboard
  • Upgrade stripe lib to 5.2.1
  • Upgrade bootstrap to v4.0, popper js to 1.12.9
  • Improve lazyload function
  • Use Octicons 7.1.0 instead of fontawsome
  • Add a page for update credit card information
  • Add reasons to applicant when declining the submission
  • And a lot of fine tunes.


Thanks to our user who send me the feedback and suggestion. Lisa from Rentals Maui and Ryan Reedy from SEND Asia Office.





Now it is 17.2.4

There are three small versions released during the past month. You may not noticed the difference.

They are all small, fine tune improvements.

  1. Fix the missing images;
  2. Fix typos;
  3. Update the IP databse for site security;
  4. Redesign the billing processes, it has subscribe, cancel, reactivate status;
  5. Stripe upgraded to v5.2.1;
  6. Increase the username length from 20 to 40 characters;
  7. Upgrade Bootstrap to v4 beta 2;
  8. Upgrade Lazysizes to 4.0.0 rc4;

There are also a lot of changes to improve the performance for our service.


If you have any questions or advices, please do not hesitate to post below.

A small version up

Now FreeInOutBoard is v17.2.1. It is a small update. You may not notice the difference.

Actually, it is an improvement version. No new feature was added.

  • We standardized the js, CSS file name. Add version number to the file name. So ISP cache issue will not affect our users.
  • We also did a clean upon the folders of our system. Remove the old, useless files.
  • Updated the screen shots for new users.

At the last, if you see any thing strange, please contact us by email or leave the message below.