FIOB 17.2.0 Release

New version is comming.

Free InOut Board is version 17.2.0 now. The second digit upgrade from 1 to 2. It means there are some new features added or removed.


  • Lazysizes.js is added to improve the performance when loading the images.
  • Admin Control Page changes.
  • Board Admin can reset the password for his users.
  • Bootstrap framework v4.0 beta implemented.
  • Upgrade the third party js, including phpMailer, jquery plugins, etc.
  • Fix some bugs about manifest.json and themes.

FIOB 17.1.2 Release

Today I am happy to announce the release of FIOB 17.1.2.

It is a bug fix release. Please see the list of bugs below.

  • Fix the bug of displaying the future event on calendar
  • UCP – User Control Panel update, any preference changes will be effective immediately.
  • HSTS Preloaded included now, SSL connection is safe from the very first access.
  • Fix the InOut Board resorting issue on All groups
  • Fix the InOut Board resorting issue on per group table
  • Fix the bug on user manage page

If you have any problems, please leave the message or send me supporting request email. You know how to find the contact email.

What kind of features do you want?

Please let us know what kind of features do you want. We will add them per your request.

Now, some new features already under developing.

Such as time, date format. Previously, we just have ISO standard format. Per request, we add the option for users and board administrator.  The board administrator and setup the default time, date format. The new user will take the default values as their own format. Every user can change it at User Control Panel.

We already have a list of new features need to be added into FreeInOut Board system.

FreeInOut Board system v 17.1.0 is going to be available in this weekend.

FreeInOutBoard v17.0.0 beta2 released

Now, you can find our site has a new release.

It is v17.0.0 beta2. You may not feel well when you see the beta sign.

Actually, it is a big difference. from the previous v16.x.x. Since we start to use Git version control system, FreeInOutBoard will be going to continuing development stage. You will see more upgrade than before. You will see more features added soon. The version number does not matter.

Let me put these new features all together below:

A. User

  1. Rewrite the password requesting process;
  2. Rewrite the user login;
  3. UI upgrade;
  4. Fast loading;
  5. Mobile friendly design;

B. Technology

  1. HTML 5
  2. Bootstrap 4
  3. jQuery 3.x
  4. FontAwesome v4.7.0
  5. Use version control tool, Git
  6. SSL certificate and HSTS Preload
  7. Content Security Policy
  8. XSS protection
  9. Content Type Options

Please go to our Tours pages for more information.