New Version Comming Soon

We are working hard to develop our new version of the

It will be online soon.

Here are some screenshots for share.

home page



board interface

There will be more improvement and security related features added.

Our plan is to make it live this weekend.

Upgrade finished

Now our server is upgraded to a new one.

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Nginx Web Server
  • MariaDB 10.1 Database
  • PHP 7
  • etc.

We are also working hard to improve the performance and make it works correctly on PHP 7 instead of PHP 5.

It is clear that the service is almost one time faster than before.


Upgrade pending

Here we will have a system upgrade on midnight Pacific Time.

The upgrade window is about two hours. Hope everything going well.


New Features of FreeInOutBoard v15.5.15

It is a small upgrade.  Two new features were added.

1) Show Time Zone or Not?

Some users do not need Timezone. They are all in the same timezone, even not in the same location.  Based on this requirement, we add this feature, allow Administrator to turn off the display of timezone lable on in/out Board.

Go to Admin >> Board Settings

showntimezone-settingsDefault is checked, it means to display timezone on main list.

list-with-timezoneIf you uncheck it, the main list will not show timezone.


2) Remember me?

To provide more friendly user experience, we add this Remember me feature. Some people call it Long-Term User Authentication, or Persistent Login status.

So, when you signin, you can choose the checkbox of Remember me

rememberme-checkboxThen, even you close the window. Next day, you open it and enter the web address, or click the bookmark, you can see you just one click away to the board.

goto-your-inout-boardYou can click the link on the right upper corner, to go to your in/out board.

For security reason, please do not check it on public computer.


New Features of FreeInOutBoard v15.5.5

It is our big change from previous FreeInOutBoard. We implement a new frame and some new features already.

New Frame:

  1.  Server, same powerful and strong as before, but different Server OS.  Now it is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
  2.  Replace MySQL server by MariaDB database server
  3.  Replace PHP 5.5.24 by HHVM 3.7. HHVM is developed by Facebook. It is much faster than PHP 5.5.
  4.  Replace Apache Web server by Nginx Web Server.
  5.  New design, responsive design. It works well on phone and tablet.

New Features:

  1.  One user can be in two or more groups. One default group plus one or more additional
  2.  Customized Status. We have seven default status from very beginning. Now, you can add your own status for your users.add-statusstatus-adding
  3.  Setup refresh rate of the main portal. The default is 300 seconds. It means the in-out board will be reloaded every 5 minutes. refresh-rate
  4. Change of Location. Location is associated with timezone. If all your users are in the same timezone, one location is enough. So, we removed the location tab from the home of board. Groups is good way to group users. Leave location for timezone only.



This new version is just released. If you saw any problems or errors, please send me an email to , if you attach a screenshot, will be very helpful.

If you have any suggestion, or new feature request, please also send me a email.