The server we hosted with FIOB is scheduled for an upgrade. The window for this maintenance is 9AM – 2PM Eastern Time, 09-15-2011.
It may only affect 30 minutes
The server we hosted with FIOB is scheduled for an upgrade. The window for this maintenance is 9AM – 2PM Eastern Time, 09-15-2011.
It may only affect 30 minutes
FIOB can be used as Employee Tracking Software.
When employer want to tracking his employees, want to know how his employees works, when they come back to the office, when they take the lunch break, FreeInOutBoard can give him the ability to do the Employee Tracking.
FIOB employee tracking software is a web-based crossplatform (any operation system) system. Customer sign up for his company, then add users, or employees, to the InOutBoard. Then users can sign in when they come into the office, or let the receptionist to do the sign in for them. On lunch break or out for appointment, they can sign out or mark it as off.
No special equipment needed, just a computer with Internet access.
For vacation records, employer can log the days employee take for vacation.
For sick leave records, it is same, no hassle. Employer can use it very quickly and keep the records for years.
FIOB Employee Tracking Software is not a Windows Software, you can use any computer, any device, maybe your cellphone browser, to sign in and out.
Some one may ask why you can not provide free service with unlimited users. This is the most frequently asked question!
Unfortunately, we cannot provide free InOut Board service without limitation to anyone. We are truly sorry, but if you are meet the following requirements, you still can use our Free InOut Board(FIOB) for free.
You have less than ten users, less than 2 locations, and 2 groups. FIOB Free Service is right for you.
Continue reading “Why we can not provide unlimited service for free”
Yeah! I have a New Born Baby, Gabriel.
Extension of Free Trial will be limited to one month only
Our current new client can have more than one month Free Trial of our premium service. Now we will change back to our normal 30 day Free Trial in July.
If you use our free service, and have less than ten users in your board, you will not see any big changes on your side.
If you have more than 10 users, you will receive the notice when you sign in and may not be use the regular sign in/out as before, until you upgrade your account.
More reliable Backup system
FreeInOutBoard backup all data every night off-site, remotely.
Things to DO
In the next month, we will implement following features or improvement on FreeInOutBoard.
As we know, it is almost spring. Snow is melting. FreeInOutBoard will provide more as we promised.
Extend all trial accounts free period to June 30, 2011
We said, every new account could use Premium FIOB Plus for one month for free. Now, we want to give more to our customers.
You can use our free premium account as you want. Try your best to use it. It is your board.
New Scheme/Skin
New skin can give use a fresh look. Keep work environment actively.
New Features
We will add following new features in the year.
If you have any suggestion, let me know.