New version is comming.
Free InOut Board is version 17.2.0 now. The second digit upgrade from 1 to 2. It means there are some new features added or removed.
- Lazysizes.js is added to improve the performance when loading the images.
- Admin Control Page changes.
- Board Admin can reset the password for his users.
- Bootstrap framework v4.0 beta implemented.
- Upgrade the third party js, including phpMailer, jquery plugins, etc.
- Fix some bugs about manifest.json and themes.
Hello, I work for the Strand Center for the Arts and cannot access my in out board. I was curious if this is just a bug from the new update or if it was accidentally deleted? My office loves your program and would like to gain access to it again soon. Thanks for all that you all do!
Your account is OK. It is a cache issue from ISP side. Now I think everything is fine.