Upgrade to 18.3.6

I am happy to announce that we have a new release v18.3.6.

There are some bug fix and new features on Site Admin.

Bootstrap 4.1.2 and another js are also updated.


If you find any problem, please let us know.

Email or comment here are welcome.

FreeInOutBoard v18.3.0 Release

We are pleased to announce the release of FreeInOutBoard 18.3.0.

This version is a module update release. So we bumped the version from 18.2.x to 18.3.x.

Some small issues are fixed in this release.

  • Fix the location name checking function
  • Adjust the width of login page
  • Improve the additional groups, user can be put in the more than one additional groups, or non of it.
  • Upgrade Bootstrap, Lazysizes, Tablesorter js files and Octions.


FreeInOutBoard v17.0.0 beta2 released

Now, you can find our site has a new release.

It is v17.0.0 beta2. You may not feel well when you see the beta sign.

Actually, it is a big difference. from the previous v16.x.x. Since we start to use Git version control system, FreeInOutBoard will be going to continuing development stage. You will see more upgrade than before. You will see more features added soon. The version number does not matter.

Let me put these new features all together below:

A. User

  1. Rewrite the password requesting process;
  2. Rewrite the user login;
  3. UI upgrade;
  4. Fast loading;
  5. Mobile friendly design;

B. Technology

  1. HTML 5
  2. Bootstrap 4
  3. jQuery 3.x
  4. FontAwesome v4.7.0
  5. Use version control tool, Git
  6. SSL certificate and HSTS Preload
  7. Content Security Policy
  8. XSS protection
  9. Content Type Options

Please go to our Tours pages for more information.


Upgrade finished

Now our server is upgraded to a new one.

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Nginx Web Server
  • MariaDB 10.1 Database
  • PHP 7
  • etc.

We are also working hard to improve the performance and make it works correctly on PHP 7 instead of PHP 5.

It is clear that the service is almost one time faster than before.


Upgrade pending

Here we will have a system upgrade on midnight Pacific Time.

The upgrade window is about two hours. Hope everything going well.